Home Remedies to Alleviate Sinus Headache

on Thursday, December 20, 2012

The most common symptom of sinus infections is pain, which may intensify with time. A sinus headache is often accompanied by some other symptoms such as nasal discharge, ear discharge, fever and swelling on the face. However, before looking for remedies to alleviate sinus headache, first you should thoroughly evaluate the situation as this pain might eventually get away without actually resorting to any treatment. But if the symptoms persist, you can try various home remedies for a quick and effective relief. Some of these are listed below-

• Expectorants like eucalyptus and peppermint oils considerably reduce the upsurge of mucus formation in the nasal passage.

• Keep your body hydrated. Drink plenty of water, juices, broths, soups, tea etc.

• You can apply cinnamon paste over your forehead as it can provide great relief to sinus headache.

• Consuming pineapple can also be quite helpful to reduce inflammation and swelling in the sinuses, which is one of the main causes of sinus headache. Bromelain is an ingredient in pineapple which soothes the inflamed sinuses.

• Neck and head stretches can proffer relief against sinus headache.

• Instead of going for the over-the-counter decongestants and nasal sprays, you can make your own nasal saline wash. Using a nice neti pot or irrigation bottle you can irrigate your nasal passages. It would help to clear mucus, reduce pressure and keep the nasal passages moist.

• In fact practicing relaxation as well as meditation techniques also alleviates the symptoms of this type of headache.

• Another great way to ease this pain is to soak a small towel in chilled water and then apply it over your forehead. This would provide you great relief.

• Consuming jalapeno pepper too offers an instant relief. It works to reduce pain by draining away the mucus.

• Taking complete rest and a good sleep can also prove to be quite effective in alleviating the pain.

• It is also advisable to avoid irritants like perfumes, cleaning chemicals, smoke, perfumes etc as they may irritate the nasal passages, thereby worsening the condition.

The major advantage of the above mentioned home remedies is that none of these methods pose any health risks. They alleviate sinus headache naturally with no side effects. However, in severe cases, conventional medicines could be more effectual in comparison to these natural cures. Despite of being simple, each and every sinus treatment mentioned above is tried and tested and have been proven effective to relive sinus headache. So, if you are sick of throbbing sinus headache, do try these remedies and experience some real wonders.

For the best sinus treatment and for some sinus home remedy contact us at Kill Sinus today

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Unknown said...

Home Remedies to Alleviate Sinus Headache are very excellent treatments and very easy. Here few remedies for headache using natural home ingredients. Thanks

November 6, 2013 at 9:54 PM

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