Treatment of Sinusitis Symptoms

on Friday, December 14, 2012

Sinus inflammation is one of the very common problems of respiratory tract, which can be explained as inflammation or swelling in the mucous membranes of the sinuses. Sinusitis is mainly caused by the infection in nasal cavity by some bacteria, fungi or virus. This can also occur because of allergens or air pollutants, weak immunity, extreme climatic changes, colds, excessive smoking, dental infection, dehydration and any injury in nasal bones. These infections are classified as non infectious and infectious. Sinusitis can even be categorized as acute, sub acute and chronic. Acute is when the sinus attack lasts for four weeks or more, sub acute- where it lasts for four to six weeks and the chronic sinusitis - when the condition lasts for more than twelve weeks. Irrespective of the condition type, the sinus symptoms are more or less the same.

Inflammation of sinuses can cause excessive secretion of mucus, which blocks nasal passages. Some common symptoms are stuffy nose with pressure and pain in affected area, headache, cough, yellowish or greenish discharge, sore throat, bad breath, pain in upper teeth, loss of taste and smell and fatigue. In some severe cases, this may also result in brain infection, osteomyelitis or meningitis. Diagnosis for sinusitis is mainly done on the basis of symptoms present, by physical examination and is also based on patient's medical history. As the sinus infection symptoms are quite similar to the symptoms of cold, some diagnostic tests such as microbial culture, computed tomography and endoscopic evaluation can also be conducted. In few cases, percussion and palpation can even be done on patient's face in order to diagnose the paranasal sinuses which are infected.

It is highly recommended that sinus infections must be treated as soon as the symptoms are diagnosed so that the infection does not become acute, as it can further lead to chronic or sub- acute sinusitis. The major objective of this treatment is actually to cure existing infection if any, to relieve sinusitis symptoms. Also, for the sinusitis sufferers, antibiotics administration is usually recommended. The individuals suffering from sinusitis can even opt for oral or topical decongestants to clear blockages in nasal passages. Besides, physicians can also recommend various adjunctive treatments such as steam bath, mucolytic agents, correct diet plan, corticosteroids and antihistamines in order to get rid of the symptoms of sinusitis. Nasal irrigation on regular basis is also helpful while treating chronic sinusitis. Thus, when suffering from sinus infection, make certain to consult your doctor or physician for right medications and proper sinus treatment in order to get rid of the sinusitis symptoms and lead a healthy life.

For the best sinus treatment and for some sinus home remedy contact us at Kill Sinus today

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