Home Remedies to Get Instant Sinus Headache Relief

on Friday, December 21, 2012

Sinus headaches are associated with swelling or inflammation of the sinuses. Some of the most common causes of these excruciating headaches are cold, allergies, nasal stuffiness and allergies. If the problem becomes life threatening, then it is best to consult a good doctor and if not, then even some homemade treatments can help you get away with it.

One simple home remedy to get instant sinus headache relief is to dip a small towel in water and apply it on the forehead. As soon as the towel gets warm, remove it, dip it again in the water and then apply once more on the forehead. The best thing about homemade treatments for sinus headaches is that none of them have any side-effects whatsoever.

One more way for alleviating sinus headaches is darkening your room and sleeping there for one hour. Although this not a cure, it does give temporary relief. An instantaneous home remedy to treat this problem is eating jalapeno peppers or chilies, as they help in easy drainage of the sinuses. Inhaling steam also helps in clearing the sinuses. Adding a few drops of peppermint oil in the boiling water improves the effectiveness of this method. Peppermint is like natural decongestants which help to decongest the infected mucus and clear the sinuses.

Another homemade treatment to get rid of sinus headaches is to make some concoctions and apply them on forehead. A simple paste made with cinnamon powder plus water provides immense relief when applied on forehead. Applying a layer of a paste, made using dry ginger and water, also helps. To enhance the effectiveness of this paste, you can add some cloves and ten to twelve basil leaves into it. For more severe headaches that occur due to sinusitis, one simple sinus home remedy is to dip the feet in slightly warm water, whilst giving the forehead a treatment of cold compress.

To avoid sinus related headaches, it is advisable to drink lots of water and other hot fluids, like soups, broths, teas etc, whenever you catch cold. Increasing the water intake is an excellent sinus treatment that would help to keep your nasal discharge thin and also to keep the pressure down inside the cavities to avoid headache from developing. In addition, taking precautions, such as rinsing the nose daily, making use of a humidifier, inhaling steam etc, can help in avoiding sinus related headaches. So, if you do not wish to experience the acute side effects of over the counter medications, try these homemade treatments and you would definitely get some great results.

For the best sinus treatment and for some sinus home remedy contact us at Kill Sinus today

Remedial measures against sinusitis

Sinusitis is a common but debilitating condition that can interfere with your whole life with its painful symptoms. Imagine a severe headache, nasal drops, cold, dizziness, fever and nasal congestion, have all at the same time. The experience is indeed very painful and annoying. Many remedies are as sinusitis is a common problem, and remedies are developed for them. These treatments have been categorized into natural and conventional methods. However, since the conventional treatments produce often many undesirable side effects, patients sinusitis often change on natural remedies.

Use the natural remedies, herbs, plants, fruits, essential oil, and many other natural ingredients. To increase the effect of this natural remedy, it's best, a nutritious diet and exercise regularly. In addition, it is also important to avoid the triggers such as allergens. Greasy foods, dairy products, coffee and alcohol are some of the other things that can exacerbate your condition. So, if you want to successfully fight sinus infections, then be ready to sacrifice your favorite junk food. Above all, who is to go for natural cures to make the greatest sacrifice, they have change their lifestyle. The bad habits include things like stop how unhealthy eating, smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages, wake up late in the morning etc. Who in these habits for your life, separate from these things can be very difficult.

Apart from these remedial measures to combat sinusitis can soothe the application of herbs like eucalyptus, ginger, garlic and ginseng, also your swollen and inflamed nasal septum. All these herbs are very effective in the fight against bacteria and viruses that cause infection in the sinuses. Each of these has strong healing properties and this is probably the reason why they are used in many conventional medicines, as also steam grates. Eating fruits such as pineapple, benefit also the sinusitis sufferers. It contains Bromelain', which is a substance with anti-inflammatory properties and can therefore soothe the inflamed sinuses. With other fruits with different vitamins a person has also good for the patients, as they are known to the immune system to strengthen.

The best thing is that all these natural remedies for sinusitis are completely free of harmful side effects. They are also easy to reach. You can find them in the shops of the health in the vicinity of your seat and sometimes even in your kitchen. They are also very inexpensive. So you can get sinusitis to fend off without having to spend a fortune for this simple remedial measures. The effectiveness of a simple sinus home remedies, made with a few ingredients in the kitchen, would you believe, that expensive conventional medicines are not the only way to cure this pulsating disease.

For the best treatment for sinus and some sinus home remedies, contact us under sinus kill today

Tips to Beat Sinus Congestion

Sinus congestion is basically a blockage of nasal passages, caused due to the nose membranes becoming swollen because of inflamed or swollen blood vessels. Inflammation in the blood vessels is caused due to common colds, allergic reactions, nasal polyps, hay fever etc. Many call sinus congestion as nasal obstruction, nasal blockage, stuffy nose, blocked nose and by many other names. Listed below are some effective tips to beat this common ailment that disrupts your entire life with its aggravating symptoms.

* Take plenty of sleep and rest - For people suffering from sinus congestion, it is advisable to take adequate rest and a good sleep.

* Increase water intake - Increase your intake of water during this condition. Apart from having plain water, you can also take it in the form of vegetable broths, chicken soups, herbal teas and fresh vegetable or fruit juices. Hot fluids like these would help in thinning the mucus so that it can be easily drained out. However, you should avoid consuming beverages like coffee and alcohol.

* Nasal irrigation - For small children, who cannot blow their nose, nasal suction is a great option. On the other hand, adults can perform this technique with the use of a neti pot. It is a small container with a similar design as that of a tea pot. Remember that this remedy works best, if done with the use of saline water.

* Blow the nose - To clear the blocked nasal passages, blow your nose frequently. This is the simplest way to get rid of excessive mucus present inside your nose.

* Breathing exercise - Majority of people suffering from sinus congestion can actually get quick relief by slowing down their pretty heavy breathing. There are many breathing exercises than can be learnt to know the right way to do so.

* Sleep at some elevation - Congestion gets triggered in lying position. Thus, to make sure you are able to breathe properly, it is good to sleep or lie down on the bed at some elevation. You can support your head by keeping a big pillow beneath it. This would help you breathe better and assuage coughing.

* Avoid going inside chlorinated pools - Though you may think that the moisture would help, but the fact is that the chlorine inside the pool water can irritate your mucus membranes and worsen the condition.

* Take long hot showers - This is an extremely simple sinus treatment that does not really call for much of an effort. Just take a long hot shower and keep breathing the vapors of hot water at the same time.

These handy tips can be of great use to beat sinus congestion in no time. So, go ahead and enjoy the benefits of all the amazing sinusitis treatments.

For the best sinus treatment and for some sinus home remedy contact us at Kill Sinus today

The control of migraines, ne

For people who suffer from migraines, the main goal is to get the overwhelming pain under control. In school, work and sleep, among other things also in slight headache of this kind make it difficult to concentrate, to make decisions, to study. If migraine head pain is at its worst, an individual would have to work a difficult time at each level.

In fact, most people use a quiet, dark room at this point as an escape. While conventional medicine migraine under control have an important role plays, chiropractic has been proven, help these headaches prevent, but to reduce the impact.

Understanding migraine

Before now, the possibility that chiropractic can benefit anyone with migraines, is important to understand more about this type of headache. Although frequently considered, finds the person with these headaches fights the pain and other symptoms, the anything but commonplace. Remember that there is some uniqueness based on from person to person but overall symptoms are the same for all.

For starters, there are two types of migraine, migraine with aura and migraine without aura. While she are most widely used, there are other types. Represented the symptoms will underlie a diagnosis with respect to the actual type. Regardless of the type of headache symptoms are usually pain on only one side of the head, hypersensitivity to smells, sound and light, depression, nausea and/or vomiting, sleep disorders and vision problems.

Types of migraine

As already mentioned, there are two types of migraine, but some others. The following is a brief description of each:

Migraine with aura - includes a neurological phenomenon occurs, in which a person wavy lines, similar to as a mirage of water see a dessert in the middle would. This means that vision in the middle of the eye is blocked, while peripheral see remains intact. But if vision problems are not involved, a change in the language seems other symptoms or includes speech, dizziness or nausea and a tingling/numbness of the face, tongue, arms, and legs. Are these symptoms usually between 15 and 30 minutes before the start of the migraine headache.
Migraine without aura - all migraines, ne, which is the most common. In this case developed pain on both sides of the head. Typical symptoms include sensitivity to light, nausea and/or vomiting. In contrast to migraine with aura, this type of change causes fatigue and mood the day before.

Although there are several additional types of migraine, we have listed only a few as examples:

Although the name sounds weird, is this some sort of migraine by children learn abdominal migraine. Symptoms include pale or flushed skin, abdominal pain and vomiting. This type of headache may take up to four days, and children often start with migraine without aura as an adult.
Migraine headache free - in this case a person would experience the squiggly lines and Center vision of aura but without actually other symptoms of migraine pain are locked.
Ophthalmoplegic would be migraine - Interestingly, pain in the left eye, coupled with bouts of vomiting begin. As time passes, nerve, eye movements can be for days or weeks, paralyzed caused the left eye to sink.

Effective treatment

Before a treatment could be started, the exact nature of the migraine and the cause should be determined. With a medical examination, other health problems could be excluded. Made with a diagnosis of different treatments would be discussed. While some conventional treatments, other natural treatments are interested in. With the growing interest in alternative medicine, created an enormous amount of attention to the advantages of chiropractic for all types of migraine.

Rather than limited relief and side effects of prescription drugs chiropractic is a natural way and the Elimination of pain, but also other symptoms. In addition get migraines under control, chiropractic can be used to prevent the occurrence of headaches.

Hands-on approach

To start, a chiropractor of the patient and family would collect specific anamnesis to headaches and other health issues, as well as prescription drugs. Then, a physical examination would be conducted to get insight in the person of the musculoskeletal system, with a focus on the neck muscles and joints. Although there are several treatment options available, one of the most important objectives would be limited neck movement increase.

Another treatment is the spine adjust the direct but gentle pressure and movements applied in the field of vortex realign the spine, that have been moved from their original position used. This allows to reach the nerve signals to every part of the body, and the promotion of overall wellness. Spinal adjustments provide relief of pain and other symptoms of migraine to get best of all people but relief with long-lasting results.

A chiropractor would also a patient, known triggers such as eyestrain, strong odors, to avoid bright lights rates, changes in sleep patterns, caffeine, alcohol and certain foods, among others. For the treatment of migraine, chiropractic specific recommendations would be also the references to the choice of lifestyle. For example, a person would get sufficient sleep, exercise daily, eat balanced meals and avoid things such as alcohol, tobacco and illicit drugs promoted. This all combined enable someone with migraine to take control.

Dr. Rick Galla. Chiropractor. If you suffer from migraine satellite are debt then you it yourself, visit my Office and learn the power of chiropractic adjustments and their incredible impact on your health and the Elimination of your migraine. Please visit http://gallachiropractic.com/ or http://topencinitaschiropractor.com/ for more information and Internet offerings.

Some Simple Remedies to Relieve Sinus Pain

on Thursday, December 20, 2012

Sinusitis is a common condition, which affects millions of people across the world. It begins with blockage and swelling of sinuses due to frequent infections, allergies, smoke, deformities etc and then leads to many problems, one out of which is sinus pain. This pain targets areas like head, jaw, cheeks and upper teeth. The good part is that this throbbing pain may respond to some simple remedies. So, here goes the list of all those effective remedies that can quickly relieve sinus induced pain.

Steam - Steam not only provides instant relief from sinus pain, but also cures all types of throat problems. It helps to clear the airways by reducing swelling and inflammation in the nasal passages. To prepare steam, take a wide-mouthed pot, put water into it, add some drops of eucalyptus or tea tree oil and give it a boil. While inhaling the steam, make sure that you cover your entire head using a big towel in such a way that the vapors or steam does not escape.

Salt drops - Saline or salt drops are highly effective against sinus infections. They help in thinning the mucus for easy drainage and killing harmful bacteria.

Rice pack - Now, this might sound a bit weird, but using a rice pack is actually a great remedy to cure sinus related pain. To prepare it, add some rice to a little cotton bag, warm it in a microwave for one minute and then place it on affected areas to cure the pain.

Humidifier - Use of a humidifier can relieve congestion and also the pain that comes along with it. It actually helps in maintaining a right moisture level in the room and thus avoids your nasal passages from drying. For best results, you can also add some drops of herbal oils like sage oil into the water.

Use Decongestants - This is a great sinus treatment against sinus pain. Also they are easily available in health stores and can be purchased in tablet form or as nasal sprays. Moreover, to consume this medication you do not need any prescription from a doctor.

Together with all above mentioned ways to treat sinus pain, you can also use vaporizers for quick relief. They are actually a superb sinus home remedy and an age-old answer to cure pain that originates from sinusitis and thus can work wonders when applied under nostrils and on forehead.

These are some of the simplest yet highly effective remedies to relieve sinus pain. However, if the symptoms persist, then it is viable to consult a good physician for right diagnosis and sinus treatment.

For the best sinus treatment and for some sinus home remedy contact us at Kill Sinus today

Pointers to Combat Sinus Infections

Sinus infection is a common ordeal experienced by people from time to time. However a chronic sinusitis case in particular can ruin the scheduled activities and daily routine of the patient. If you are also suffering from this agonizing malady, then learning more about things that can help you combat your sickness would be quite useful. Listed below are some pointers that can help you successfully combat the sinus infections.

• Gather information- Whenever you confront an illness related to sinuses; carefully observe your whole body. You can note down what you are actually feeling, for instance, whether you are having a headache, a fever, a slightly scratchy throat, a runny or a clogged nose. Apart from this, you must also take notice of how exactly your whole body reacts to the environment. If you are exposed to infectious and dirty substances, dust particles, fungi, bacteria, viruses, moulds and pet dander are a couple of things which can enter into your body leading to discomfort and pain. Besides, extreme weather changes could upset the normal functioning of your body. Weather it gets too cold or too hot, your body might get affected negatively and also trigger a throbbing infection called sinusitis. Fortunately, there is no dearth in the number of methods to cure sinus infections. Home cures and natural remedies are highly popular owing to their simplicity and cost-effectiveness. Medicines are only advisable to treat chronic bouts because of their severity. A surgery is for the extreme cases which can't be cured with any other treatment.

• Take action- Though gathering information is important, it isn't good enough to fight off the disease. You must use the information and details you have gathered to come up with an effective plan for curing the problem. In case of a mild sinusitis, you could explore natural cures requiring ingredients which are easily available. However, if the infection progresses to a severe condition, consulting a doctor for proper advice and prescription is essential. During the entire course of sickness, you must keep yourself attentive on how exactly your body copes with the symptoms as well as the surroundings. In this way, it would be easier for you to track down your progress plus make out if your plans need any changes.

• Prevention- Even for those who have never suffered from sinus infection or felt the need of a sinus treatment, taking care of their sinuses is important so that it can be prevented from overpowering their immune system. Some useful precautions includes washing the sinuses everyday for keeping them moisturized and clean, keeping the working and living areas as hygienic as possible. For this, it is advisable to vacuum carpets, sweep floors regularly, use disinfectants to clean the contaminated areas, remove dust and dirt from furniture etc.

If you are recovering from sinus infection, by following some easy ways you can easily recoup to a healthy state. These ways might be as easy as getting a good sleep and taking a good diet.

For the best sinus treatment and for some sinus home remedy contact us at Kill Sinus today

Home Remedies to Alleviate Sinus Headache

The most common symptom of sinus infections is pain, which may intensify with time. A sinus headache is often accompanied by some other symptoms such as nasal discharge, ear discharge, fever and swelling on the face. However, before looking for remedies to alleviate sinus headache, first you should thoroughly evaluate the situation as this pain might eventually get away without actually resorting to any treatment. But if the symptoms persist, you can try various home remedies for a quick and effective relief. Some of these are listed below-

• Expectorants like eucalyptus and peppermint oils considerably reduce the upsurge of mucus formation in the nasal passage.

• Keep your body hydrated. Drink plenty of water, juices, broths, soups, tea etc.

• You can apply cinnamon paste over your forehead as it can provide great relief to sinus headache.

• Consuming pineapple can also be quite helpful to reduce inflammation and swelling in the sinuses, which is one of the main causes of sinus headache. Bromelain is an ingredient in pineapple which soothes the inflamed sinuses.

• Neck and head stretches can proffer relief against sinus headache.

• Instead of going for the over-the-counter decongestants and nasal sprays, you can make your own nasal saline wash. Using a nice neti pot or irrigation bottle you can irrigate your nasal passages. It would help to clear mucus, reduce pressure and keep the nasal passages moist.

• In fact practicing relaxation as well as meditation techniques also alleviates the symptoms of this type of headache.

• Another great way to ease this pain is to soak a small towel in chilled water and then apply it over your forehead. This would provide you great relief.

• Consuming jalapeno pepper too offers an instant relief. It works to reduce pain by draining away the mucus.

• Taking complete rest and a good sleep can also prove to be quite effective in alleviating the pain.

• It is also advisable to avoid irritants like perfumes, cleaning chemicals, smoke, perfumes etc as they may irritate the nasal passages, thereby worsening the condition.

The major advantage of the above mentioned home remedies is that none of these methods pose any health risks. They alleviate sinus headache naturally with no side effects. However, in severe cases, conventional medicines could be more effectual in comparison to these natural cures. Despite of being simple, each and every sinus treatment mentioned above is tried and tested and have been proven effective to relive sinus headache. So, if you are sick of throbbing sinus headache, do try these remedies and experience some real wonders.

For the best sinus treatment and for some sinus home remedy contact us at Kill Sinus today

Tips to Alleviate Sinus Pressure Through Natural Remedies

Sinus pressure is a debilitating problem, which affects millions of people around the world. In fact, the pain is so deep and excruciating that the patients cannot continue with their normal routine until the pain is effectively dealt with. Usually the patients complain about experiencing a hard and heavy pressure behind nose and eyes, while some also feel their head getting fully stretched. For those who are suffering from this painful condition but do not wish to go for the OTC prescriptions, listed below are some handy tips, following which they can successfully alleviate sinus pressure through natural remedies:

* Drink lots of water until you feel that the pressure is alleviating. Apart from plain water, you can also take soups, vegetable broths and herbal teas. However, it is advisable not to have regular tea as it contains caffeine which may trigger your condition.

* People who are prone to allergies should keep away from smoke, dust and pollen as it may lead to sinusitis, along with its throbbing symptoms like sinus pressure.

* Acupressure also makes a great natural remedy for treating pressure in the sinuses. By applying finger pressure on some of the key points in body, it is possible to stimulate nerve currents that are important to all major bodily functions. Performing this technique is not difficult if you know the right acupressure points along with a couple of other critical details about it.

* Steam inhalation is an excellent treatment to alleviate sinus pressure. For this you need to take a wide-mouthed bowl with boiling water in it and add a few drops of tea tree or eucalyptus oil. You can even add some slices of a raw onion if you do have these essential oils at home. Once you are done with this step, place a large towel on your head, making sure that it also covers the hot water bowl. Now inhale the steam for almost fifteen to twenty minutes. This would immediately open up your clogged up nose and provide you instant relief from sinus pressure. This is one of the natural methods that have been used for centuries to unblock the respiratory track, as well as blocked nasal passages and is highly popular even today.

* One more very effective sinus treatment is sinus rinse or nasal irrigation. In this a solution of salty water is used for clearing the nasal passages. People who find it hard to sniff the solution can make use of the neti pot which has been specifically designed for this purpose. Nasal irrigation is an excellent sinus home remedy which can work wonders to cure sinus pressure.

So, use these tips and brace yourself to get back to normal again as you would in no time see significant improvement in your condition.

For the best sinus treatment and for some sinus home remedy contact us at Kill Sinus today

Stop the sinus problem now, before it's too late

The main cause of sinus infections is the inflammation of the nasal passages (para nasal sinuses). This situation is very common and usually all through their lives affects people. Sinusitis usually begins with the obstruction of air flow nasal passage, reduces mucus normal drainage. Correct mucus drainage is very important for healthy sinuses.

The drying of the mucous membranes because of illness, lack of moisture in the air and the use of antihistamines may also cause sinus problems. Other causes of sinusitis include environmental factors such as smoke, air pollution, allergies, auto-immune diseases and climate change.

How to prevent sinus problems.

The best way is to prevent sinus infections, stay away from the symptoms that accompany the infection. The sinus infection usually during flu and cold season take place, the following precautions should be taken during this time.

Make always humidifier the moisture content in the nose, use the boost.

Avoid all the things that can trigger any form of allergies. Seek, you are suffering from any type of allergy, try as you can handle these allergies.

Always drink plenty of fluids (water), which increase moisture in your body and is also to ensure that it always hydrated.

Consuming lots of fruits and vegetables, because they are very rich in antioxidants and other important nutrients that help, improve your immune system and to protect you from infections.

Places you always use electrostatic filter add on air conditioners to eliminate various allergens from the environment.

You not contact contaminated air, air pollution, strong smoke and chemicals in the environment, which can irritate your panels sinus and sinus problems can cause.

Avoid smoking cigarettes, they are one of the main causes of sinus irritation, what low mucus drainage and sinus congestion.

Make always a humidifier in your living area (apartments) or Office use. Congestion in the sinuses can be triggered by lack of moisture. If currently in a very dry climate life, is it possible, that you inhale very dry air are and if you usually Sinus headaches. I advise you start using humidifiers. Humidifying your home and offices reduces the chances of breathing in the dry superheated air in second hand smoke that can cause sinus pain or inflammation (sinusitis).

Intake of alcohol. You will be astonished to hear that only light alcohol consumption inflammation, sinus problems can cause sinus as a result.

Visit a specialist for health and get a flu shot every year.

As far as possible, try to discover the cause of your problems and sinus and then apply these simple tips to eliminate them before they develop into a severe sinusitis.

I am an expert author with EzineArticles. I specialize in sinus problems and related issues. More information on this topic see sinus headache solutions.

Migraines: Healing Your Headaches From the Inside Out

I know migraines. They impacted my life for about 30 years and there were periods of time when I had them daily. It is amazing that I was able to build a career, raise a wonderful son, or even function at all. Painful headaches affected my relationships and kept me from participating fully in life. They shaped my personality and how I see myself and the world. They prevented me from being who I was meant to be and living my best life. If you are reading this, you probably know what I mean.

Today, I am migraine and medication free. I went on a journey of self-discovery and healing that allowed me to explore opportunities for letting go of the pain and improving my life and well-being. I learned that the real key to healing my headaches was healing my life.

Here are a few of the things I learned along the way:

What you think and believe about migraines can actually trigger them:

• My headaches are hereditary so I am destined to have them.

• My headaches are more powerful than I am.

• There is something wrong with me.

• I must deserve migraines if God gave them to me.

• I am a bad mom because of my migraines.

• I can't live a full life because of my migraines.

When you think thoughts like these you are more likely to accept pain as your natural state or what you deserve. Thoughts create energy in your body and can cause your body to tighten, clench, and contribute to physical pain and migraine triggers.

It is important to question your thoughts and beliefs by asking if you know beyond a shadow of a doubt they are true. Realize that you control your thoughts and shift them to something more positive like gratitude or someone you love.

Hyper-vigilance is a symptom of migraines that can actually contribute to them.

We are told that when we get the first sign of a migraine we have to act fast or suffer the consequences. This creates a mindset of always being on alert, anticipating pain. Your thoughts and physical body are greatly affected by this state and react with tightness and fear that can bring about exactly what you are trying to avoid.

When we focus on pain our world is pain. Focus instead on self-nurturing and creating a happy, healthy lifestyle. Relax and look forward to your pain free days. When a migraine starts, stay calm and take steps that will support your body. When you look at it as taking good care of yourself instead of reacting out of fear, you can feel more relaxed and positive.

Your mind is a powerful tool in becoming migraine free:

Setting intentions, shifting to a positive mindset, and visualizations are just some of the ways you can use your mind for healing headaches. There are also many mental exercises that can provide relief. Here is one of my favorite ones:

The Beat of Your Heart Exercise: Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. When you are relaxed focus on the beating of your heart and then slow it down. After a few minutes focus on your fingertips and start feeling your heartbeat there. In most cases the flow of blood will be drawn to your finger tips and the headache pain will ease up.

The benefit of exercises like this is twofold. One - pain relief. Two - realizing that you have more control over the headaches than you think.

Healing migraines may be possible for you, as it was for me. I encourage you to continue to work with your medical practitioners and also to consider that there may be additional things you can do to heal your headaches from the inside out.

Life Coach - Linda Luke has been supporting clients in creating more peaceful and happy lives since 2003. She has multiple coaching certifications and is a graduate of a Master's Program in Spiritual Psychology.

To learn more about programs or coaching that supports healing migraines, contact Linda or go to: http://lifecoachlinda.com/Freedom_from_Migraines.html

You can connect with her or request a free consultation by emailing: lifecoachlinda@gmail.com

You may also enjoy her blog: http://lifecoachlinda.wordpress.com/

Migraine Relief Remedies

on Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Migraine is a recurrent throbbing kind of headache that typically affects one side of the head and often makes a person sick. It is often accompanied by nausea and disturbed vision.There are simple and less expensive migraine remedies that are useful and have helped several migraine patients. These remedies can easily be carried out at home with the common drugs and medicines that we can find around us and they are easily affordable. These remedies depends on personal differences and what works for you may not work for the other person, you need to discover what works for you and stick to it. The following are the simple tips or techniques of migraine remedies that are helpful (note that any of these remedies works depending on individual make-up):

1. Breathing technique: This has to do with using diaphragmatic breathing in such a way that you breathe in to the count of seven, hold for the count of seven, and release in the count of seven. Repeat it seven times and you will have your relief.

2. Ice wrap method: Get an ice from a nearby store and place it on your forehead or your neck till you have your relief.

3. You can also get a wet towel, squeeze out the water, fold the towel and place it in a freezer and allow it to stay there till it has become frozen, then place it around your head and eyes till you have your relief.

4. Salt consumption or bathing with Epsom salts is also helpful as salty food is known to relief migraines.

5. Avoid all food items that contain Mechanically Separated Beef (MSB), as it is a great trigger of migraine headache. It can be found in ingredients such as autolyzed yeast, sodium caseianate, hydrogenated animal or vegetable protein, and worst of all, natural flavors.

6. You can get someone to massage your head and eyes in a quite room for about ten minutes it also works.

7. You can take Tang Kuei Four Combination - tea that comes in a powder or capsule form, take it with water and it will calm you.

8. Computer posture correction: Always make sure you sit back preferably on a back support while working on your computer, take breaks and relax; adjust the height and tilt of your monitor, as well as its brightness and contrast. It works to restore proper functions to your joints and muscles thereby relieving your migraines.

9. You can use chiropractic care technique to control and kill migraines. A chiropractor adjusts your joints to restore proper alignments to your bones as misaligned bones can put pressure on nerves and that can trigger your migraine headache. This is also a wonderful technique with so many evidence.

10. Take potassium supplements or eat food that contains it. Potassium is a good remedy of migraines.

11. Another technique that has also worked for some persons is to lie in a dark, cool and quiet room, place a banana peel on your forehead, close your eyes and within minutes you will start to feel the pressure and pains of migraine headache diminishing, as banana contains potassium.

12. Applying of peppermint oil or any peppermint lotion on the temples, head, neck and anywhere that there is tension on your body also works great deal and is also known to bring great relief to migraine headache.

13. You can basically make of a head on using Vicks vapor rub. Apply it on your temples. It is cooling and calming enough that you can relax and at least get some rest and also have migraine relief.

These are few among simple alternative remedies to migraine headaches; any of these remedies could solve your frequent migraine headache problems. There are also natural migraine treatments and also migraine medications that also work. You might need to research further or make possible consultations to discover what actually works for you and stick to it. Above all, always consult a qualified health consultant before applying any migraine remedy.

I, Nkechi E. Kaluibe, have written the above given migraine remedies, they are tips aimed at helping you to get workable solutions to help you solve your migraine headache issues. To find details about symptoms and causes of migraines and also other ways of migraine relief solutions, be sure to check out my http://migrainereliefsolutions.com/. You can have a migraine headache free year by discovering and applying any of them.

Some Effective Natural Treatments to Cure Sinusitis

The major function of sinusitis is actually to filter bacteria and pollutants from air through mucus and small hairs in sinus cavities. This works well in the normal conditions however infection and swelling can considerably weaken this function, especially when you have an allergy or cold. Such kind of infection or sinusitis results in various symptoms like pain around eyes and nose, fever, headache and general fatigue. When diagnosed with these symptoms, it is always recommended to consult a doctor or physician for right and proper sinus treatment. Also sinus infection can be acute or chronic. An individual suffering from chronic sinusitis will take more time to heal as compared to the one suffering from acute sinusitis.

Home remedies or a natural treatment is suitable for the acute sinusitis sufferers. If you are having a sinus infection then the best natural treatment is to inhale steam from some vaporizer. The sinus pain usually occurs when the mucus fails to drain properly. Thus, placing the head over steaming water containing a vaporizer for two to three times a day can provide some relief. Applying some hot cloth over your forehead would also give relief in order to lower the presence of mucus in the sinuses. You can even apply a water and cinnamon paste for soothing your forehead. You can also use a paste of ginger for this purpose as mustard seeds and ginger work as stimulants which help to increase the mucus circulation and thereby helping to clear the congestion. Besides, eating jalapenos and drinking lots of water, green tea, fresh grape juice also proves to be very effective as natural treatments for sinusitis. You can even make water and apple vinegar mixture, which is considered quite beneficial to lower pain.

Inhaling the vapors from steaming water containing eucalyptus oil also helps to reduce congestion. Besides, you can massage the sinuses which would help to enhance the circulation of blood in the sinus area and it will definitely provide you relief. Another very important and effective remedy is having jalapeno pepper. Try to have jalapeno pepper in order to drain the sinuses which will considerably reduce the pain. Also, instead of using some decongestants, you can prepare a saline wash as it helps to clear mucus, reduce the pressure and keep the nasal passage moist. In order to get rid of the sinusitis symptoms, you also need to avoid irritants like perfumes, smoke, and some cleaning chemicals which can irritate your nasal passage and will worsen the situation. These natural treatments for sinusitis are quite simple to use and significantly help to alleviate sinus symptoms and their severity.

For the best sinus treatment and for some sinus home remedy contact us at Kill Sinus today

Hormonal Migraines and Copper Toxicity

Ich lernte ΓΌber Kupfer ToxizitΓ€t, als ich beschloss, erhalten einen Mineral Haar Analyse-Test zu sehen, ob es helfen wΓΌrde, indem er mir irgendwelche Anhaltspunkte, warum ich chronische MigrΓ€ne, vor allem hormonelle MigrΓ€ne bekam. Haaranalyse ist ein Test, der helfen kann Kupfer ToxizitΓ€t zu diagnostizieren, da keine Bluttests zeigen was passiert im KΓΆrper auf Zellebene.

Γ–strogen und Kupfer.

Ein Zitat von Dr. Malters Buch: "StrΓ€nge der Gesundheit".

"Einer der bedeutendsten Bio chemischen und metabolische Entwicklungen seit Ende des Weltkrieges zwei den weitverbreiteten Gebrauch von weiblichen Kontrazeptiva umfasst. Dies liegt daran, es gibt so eine enge Beziehung zwischen Γ–strogen und Kupfer und biochemische Systeme. Mit den weit verbreiteten Einsatz von dem Γ–strogen in der Pille und die Γ–strogen-Ersatztherapie baut ΓΌberschΓΌssige Kupfer in den Zellen und Geweben einer sehr großen Zahl von Frauen. Dies ist ein wichtiger beitragender Faktor zum beide psychische und kΓΆrperliche Gesundheitsprobleme, die sie erleben geworden."

Wie die ToxizitΓ€t von Kupfer mit hormonelle MigrΓ€ne zusammenhΓ€ngt

Etwa eine Woche bis 10 Tage vor einer Periode die Kupfer und Γ–strogen Ebenen sind relativ hoch. Wenn die Hormone geΓ€ndert, tat so die MigrΓ€ne. Es war vΓΆllig automatisch, genau wie am SchnΓΌrchen. Sie zufΓ€llig mehr oder weniger den genauen Tag meines Zyklus. Wie das Kupfer zum GlΓΌck in meinem KΓΆrper gesenkt wurde waren die MigrΓ€ne als auch reduziert.

Kupfer Ungleichgewicht Symptome

• Racing-Gedanken, Angst
• AufmerksamkeitsstΓΆrungen, CandidaΓΌberwuchterung
• MigrΓ€ne, Dysmenorrhoe
• Autismus, Magersucht
• SchlafstΓΆrungen, PMS
• Leber-Dysfunktion, Plus mehr

Kupfer kann jedes Organ des Kârpers beeinflussen und normalerweise beeinflußt die vier wichtigsten Systeme des Kârpers. Kupfer baut in der Leber, des Gehirns (wo es Neurotransmitter Ebenen beeinflusst), das Nervensystem und die weiblichen und mÀnnlichen Fortpflanzungsorgane.

Unsere KΓΆrper brauchen Kupfer; Es ist eine wesentliche, die fΓΌr die physische und mentale Gesundheit lebenswichtig ist. Allerdings benΓΆtigen wir Kupfer in die richtigen Ebenen.

Quellen des Kupfers

Einige der Quellen von Kupfer sind: der Wasserleitungen in Ihrem Hause und Warmwasser-Zylinder (Wenn Kupfer), Kupfer-Kochgeschirr, Kupfer aus Dentalmaterialien (Exposition), Vitamin-Pillen, trinken Wasser, Fungizid und Pestizid-RΓΌckstΓ€nde auf Nahrung, Schlaftabletten, Beruhigungsmittel, Kupfer intrauterine GerΓ€te und Antibabypillen.

Kupfer kann auch im Kârper durch Bio nicht verfügbar Kupfer aufzubauen. Dies ist in der Regel zu schwache Nebennieren beigetragen. Der Nebenniere stimuliert die Leber um Ceruloplasmin, die große Kupfer verbindliches Protein zu produzieren. Wenn die Ebenen Ceruloplasmin unzureichend sind Kupfer kann nicht vom Kârper verwendet werden und Kupfer baut sich in den Geweben.

Wenn Zink Mangel, wird dann Kupfer neigt zu sammeln. Der Erde Boden ist arm an Zink.

Vegetarier neigen dazu, Proteine zu essen, die reich an Kupfer hoch sind, und sie in der Regel nicht genΓΌgend Lebensmittel mit hohem Zink Essen.

Hohe Kupfer-DiΓ€ten sind, die in der Regel die Sesamsamen oder NΓΌssen enthalten.

Meine Haare-Tests

Meine ersten Haare testen gezeigten Kupfer Ebene 186.44 ppm / Normal ist 25 Seiten/Min.

Dies ist eine extrem hohe lesen. In der Tat Dies ist mehr als 7 Mal das normale Niveau, und es war aus dem Diagramm.

Zweite Haar Test ein Jahr spΓ€ter 164.28 ppm

Zu diesem Zeitpunkt war ich nicht das Kupfer entgiftend, wie ich aus der pharmazeutischen Medikamente entgiftend und daher nicht in der Lage, beides zu tun war.

Sechs Monate nach der Einnahme einer ergΓ€nzenden ErnΓ€hrung fΓΌr Kupfer ΓΌberschΓΌssige Entgiftung hatte ich einen weiteren Test der Haare.

Dritte Haar Test: Kupfer Ebene 19.32 ppm

Es war eine große Verbesserung meiner Gesundheit. Mein Haar-Test zeigte jedoch noch, dass ich eine versteckte Kupfer ToxizitÀt hatte. Dies ist Àußerst wichtig, Ihre Kupfer-Level kânnen nicht hoch im Test zeigen, aber Sie haben noch eine Kupfer-Überladung. Dies ist, wo Sie Sie brauchen eine professionelle Haar Analyse Person, den Test zu interpretieren. Es ist ziemlich komplex, dass man lesen und verstehen des Haar-Tests.

FΓΌr MigrΓ€nepatienten kann nicht ich betonen, wie wichtig es ist, die zugrunde liegende Ursache fΓΌr die MigrΓ€ne zu finden. Der Haar-Analyse-Test zeigt so viel ΓΌber die Geschehnisse in den KΓΆrper auf Zellebene. Es zeigt auch andere giftige Schwermetalle, die im KΓΆrper eine FunktionsstΓΆrung verursachen.. Es gibt auch einen klaren Hinweis auf was mit der mineralischen Gleichgewicht in unserem KΓΆrper geschieht. Das mineralische Gleichgewicht in unserem KΓΆrper hat einen enormen Einfluss in unsere allgemeine Gesundheit.

Entgiftung Ihres KΓΆrpers von Kupfer ist sehr komplex und ich habe die Informationen dazu in "Lernen zu befreit sich von MigrΓ€ne".

Michelle Tweedie ist ein begeisterter Forscher Gesundheit, persΓΆnliches Wachstum und Gesundheit seit ΓΌber 15 Jahren gewidmet. Ihr Interesse an Gesundheit begann aus dem Kampf von Leben zu Leben mit schrecklichen MigrΓ€ne seit 28 Jahren, die in ihrer Teenager-Jahre begann.
Dies ist, wo Michelles Reise der selbst-Entdeckung begann und sie hat jetzt eine Leidenschaft, dieses Wissen zu lehren. Michelle hat ein Zertifikat in Natural Health Studies, Holistic Life Coach, Law of Attraction Training und studiert im Moment Haaranalyse und die ToxizitΓ€t von Kupfer. http://www.livemigrainefree.com/

Food tips for the prevention of migraine headaches

Prevent migraine headache

Avoid foods tips for your next migraine prevent

As migraines, you know suffering pain, migraine pain, and I'm pretty sure to know that they raised pretty much everything so that pain again - would try right?

Taking the steps to the change, the first steps help what we eat, control our anxiety and our environment are to prevent the frequency of migraine headaches.

Migraine Prevention is a full time it takes a deliberate, targeted efforts to protect of a place of itself from the very beginning the recurrence of migraines, ne. Migraines are a formidable foe, seem to attack you no matter what you do, but should discourage you, some people not in a position to stop them, not it may be but you can certainly take measures to reduce the frequency and severe.

Remember, well-intentioned family and friends don't always understand what you are experiencing, if you experience any migraine pain, need to be you for you responsible. You need to be careful, do food triggers migraines and your best to avoid them.

See the food that you eat

These foods are enemies of migraineurs print this list and in your kitchen as a constant reminder to.

1 - Food with high tyramine(Amino acid) are migraine trigger. Tyramine is found naturally in many foods and is formed as food ages or ferments. It affects all non-negative, but because it created a wave of blood, because it causes dilation of the brain nerves it can trigger a migraine attack.

To avoid tyramine foods are:

• Aged cheese - cheddar, Swiss, Bleu, Brie, Gouda, Gruyere, parmesan, etc. (safe cheeses are American, ricotta and cream cheese)

• Cured, processed or smoked meat - hot dogs, sausages, bacon, salami, pepperoni, ham, lunch meat, jerky, pickled herring and smoked fish.

• Other cured or processed foods - sauerkraut, pickles, green olives, capers and occasionally Sun-dried tomatoes

• Broad beans - Fava Beans, soybeans, peas, tofu, pickled beans, etc. (these include products from the beans like humus, bean paste, soy sauce and miso)

• Yeast

• Beer, ALE, wine (especially red wine)

• Bananas, oranges and not overripe fruits

• Eggs, spinach and tomatoes

• Coffee and possibly all caffeine products. (Interestingly, some small doses of caffeine can find beneficial but if reducing the intake of caffeine so carefully to avoid withdrawal or rebound headache)

2 - Nitrate Pack a strong slap. Food and ingredient in medicines used as preservatives nitrate are frequent migraine triggers.

These are the nitrate foods to avoid:

• Processed meat - again hot dogs, sausages, salami, pepperoni, bacon, ham and lunch meat

• Beets, spinach, celery, broccoli and cauliflower

3 Other food to move

• Nuts and nut products

• Additives such as MSG

• Salt and high sodium food - chips, popcorn, salted peanuts

• Chocolate

I would suggest a diary of food you eat, when occurs a migraine so that you can pinpoint your real food triggers. All items in this list are known migraine triggers, but everyone reacts differently.

Personally, I found that crab on an instant migraine for me installed but have found no one else experience the same and even my doctor was surprised. So find your triggers and good luck in your migraine attacks!

I suffered with migraines for many, many years and the many layers of migraine pain know fully forward and thats why I have this site http://www.migrainefastrelief.com/. My goal is to understand their migraines to others, you will find comfort, relief and hopefully to help treatment.

Six Simple Solutions to Treat Sinus Headaches

Sinus headaches are extremely excruciating and thus need to be treated immediately. However, before exploring the remedies, it is crucial to identify the main causes of the condition. Mostly, the main culprit is sinusitis which is inflammation of nasal passages and sinuses. Another very common cause of the throbbing sinus headaches and pains is allergies. Apart from these causes, nasal polyps, tumors and some other conditions may also lead to this problem. In case sinusitis is the main problem behind the headaches, then you can resort to six simple solutions mentioned below -

* Compresses and foot baths - It is a simple natural way to cure sinus headaches. For this you need to soak a little towel in the cold water, gently rinse it and apply on your forehead. After keeping it right on your forehead for sometime the towel would get warm, so you can either flip it or dip it once more in cold water. Alternating cold and hot compresses or combining cold compresses (using cold water) with a nice hot foot bath is also a great idea to get relief from sinus pain.

* Decongestants - These have helped many patients of sinusitis to get rid of their agonizing headaches. Decongestants are available in the form of sprays, pills and nose drops. So, as per your comfort you can go for any one you like.

* Eat jalapeno peppers and a highly spiced meal - This may sound weird, but many sinusitis sufferers have successfully head off the painful sinus headaches merely by eating jalapeno peppers. There are also many who have found great relief by having spicy meals like Mexican, Cajun or Thai. A highly spiced meal causes sinuses to freely drain, thereby curing the headaches.

* Nasal irrigation - Using nasal irrigation or nasal sprays is also a great way to alleviate sinus headaches. For irrigating the nasal passages you must use a salty or saline solution. Though many saline-based products are easily available in health stores, but if you want to save money then you can even prepare the solution at home. Just add one tablespoon of salt and a bit of baking soda in one glass of water. The procedure to irrigate the nasal passages is quite simple. Fill the saline water solution in a neti pot, lean over your basin and then gently squirt the water into each nostril one by one.

* Hot water shower - Taking a long hot shower and letting the hot water run over your face would increase the blood flow in that region, allowing the infected mucus to drain out easily.

* Steam inhalation - This is a popular sinus home remedy. Take boiling water in a bowl, cover your head, as well as the bowl, with a large towel and breathe in the hot vapors. This wonderful sinus treatment can provide quick relief to patients suffering from sinus headaches.

So, try these simple solutions and experience the difference in your condition.

For the best sinus treatment and for some sinus home remedy contact us at Kill Sinus today

Natural Remedies to Treat Chronic Sinusitis

The inflammation and swelling of sinuses is usually called chronic sinusitis. This inflammation causes interference in nasal passages that further results in mucus upsurge. The main culprits of this condition include allergies, deviated septum, nasal polyps, tumors and infections, such as cold, dust and pollen. Fortunately, there are many easy natural remedies to treat this form of sinusitis, some of which are outlined below -

* Take five hundred ml of water and add some fenugreek seeds into it. Give the mixture a boil, until it is reduced to almost half. Consume at least four to five cups of the prepared decoction daily. This would help in producing perspiration and therefore in speeding up the entire healing process.

* Pungent foods, such as garlic and onions are highly effective when it comes to curing chronic sinusitis. You can simply add these food ingredients into the meals while cooking or have them in other forms, such as onion or garlic capsules.

* Fresh juices made from spinach, cucumber, beet or carrots are also quite helpful in treating this debilitating condition. Though these might not be really good in taste, drinking them is highly beneficial to relieve the sinusitis symptoms.

* You can also create a fine mixture of ground or roasted cumin seeds and honey. Consuming this regularly can successfully allay the discomfort that comes along with chronic sinusitis.

* Vitamin A is responsible for strengthening mucus membranes. So, make sure to add more foods that are rich in vitamin A in your diet plan. Besides, vitamin C is also good in treating chronic sinusitis.

* Hot and cold compresses also make an extremely effective sinus treatment. The procedure is simple and only requires a small cloth or towel and water. For a cold compress, take chilled water, dip a hand towel in it, rinse and gently place on the face. While doing so, make sure to apply slight pressure on the areas surrounding the sinusitis. You can repeat the step when the towel turns warm. Likewise, if you want to apply a hot compress on your face, use hot water instead of chilled water. Rest of the procedure remains the same.

* There is another sinus home remedy which can give you excellent results. Take some cumin seeds and tie them in a soft and thin cloth. Now, place this either in your left or right nostril and gently inhale it. Though this might hurt a little but would successfully relieve blockage in your nasal passages.

So, make use of these simple and effective natural remedies to treat the debilitating problem called chronic sinusitis.

For the best sinus treatment and for some sinus home remedy contact us at Kill Sinus today

How to Ease Migraine Pain and Symptoms

on Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Very few conditions or illnesses have the potential to bring more disruption to people's daily lives more than a bad migraine headache and unfortunately millions of people around the world suffer from pain like this every day. However, many live in suffering and do not understand what causes migraines and that there are ways to prevent them before they even start.

Such headaches can affect any part of the head, such as the forehead, the left or right temple, the area behind the eyes, and even spread to the neck. The pain can be mild to moderate or worsen to the point where it affects vision and balance. They can be debilitating and sometimes last for days, disrupting work and time with family. Since migraine headaches can cause such disorder and discomfort, knowing what's behind them is a key factor in stopping them quickly.

Headaches come in all different forms, but the migraine headache is the most painful. This kind of headache can be brought on by the worry, anxiety, and general physical upheaval that are caused by stress. It can be felt across the forehead like a tight band, and sometimes it spreads to the temples in a thudding sensation that worsens over time.

Migraines can be brought on by eyestrain; indeed, people who do a great deal of reading, especially off of a computer monitor, often experience this type of headache more than others. The pain is usually located behind the eyes and may grow worse throughout the day. Some symptoms of migraines are worsening headache, nausea, (which can be worsened by strong odors,) sensitivity to light, and odd visual perception trouble, which is known as an aura. While migraine pain and symptoms can be painful and sometimes frightening, they can be treated and prevented.

It may sound obvious, but the best ways to treat migraine headaches is to prevent them before they start. Individuals who work in front of a computer all day, (data entry, writers, web developers etc) should have their eyes checked at least once a year, make sure that there is as little glare as possible on their monitors, and take a break from their screens at least every twenty to thirty minutes for five to ten minutes. Those who work with cleaning products or paints should wear masks and ensure that their work area has proper ventilation.

Ultimately, the biggest migraine headache trigger is stress and this can be eased in a number of ways. Better time management, exercise, yoga and general relaxation techniques can make a massive difference in someone's day to day life, not only with migraines, but also with general living quality.

You can find out more information about Migraines and acute headaches at the following address: http://www.patient.co.uk/health/migraine

Six Solutions to Cure Sinus Headache

Swelling and inflammation in sinuses leads to blockage, which eventually causes severe pressure, pain and headache. Bending, leaning over and moving one's head suddenly, may contribute to trigger the headache. Some of the main causes of sinus headaches are smoke, dust, pollen, pet dander and cleaning chemicals. Irrespective of the causes, the six solutions listed below would be of great help to cure the throbbing sinus headaches.

* Make face packs using things, which are safe for the skin. A chill curd or yogurt pack is highly effective in providing instant relief from sinus headache. Simply apply a coat of this pack on the forehead and around the eyes. Apply another coat when the first one gets dried up. Lie down for ten to twelve minutes and see how quickly it treats the throbbing pain.

* Steam inhalation is one of the best solutions to cure sinus headache. It clears the nasal passages making breathing easier. Apart from headaches, if you are also suffering from other sinus infections, inhaling steam can be extremely soothing for you. While taking steam, be cautious about the steam temperature. Scorching hot water, releasing sizzling vapors, would do no good to treat the condition. The idea behind steam inhalation is not scalding the skin of the patient, but to drive some warm water vapors to the nose.

* Menthol vapors can also be used to alleviate sinus headaches. Menthol has some natural properties which help in clearing the sinuses. Dissolve menthol ointment or balm in hot water and breathe in its fumes for instant relief.

* If you are allergic to dust or smoke, then it is advisable to keep away from these elements as they may trigger your condition. Also, make sure to regularly change the air filters. You can even consider purchasing special filters that have been designed for people who are allergic to dust.

* Blowing the nose many times a day helps in getting rid of infected mucus, which accumulates in sinuses and relieves pain and pressure in the head. Especially, after taking steam, blowing the nose immediately really helps, as the steam loosens the mucus so that it can be easily drained out.

* There are also some herbs and kitchen ingredients which can significantly assuage the pain of sinus headaches. Some of these are eucalyptus, peppermint, grape seed extract, ginger, jalapeno and many more. Using these simple natural ingredients, you can turn up with an innovative sinus home remedy and get your painful sinus headache totally cured.

Each and every sinus treatment mentioned above is tried and tested. So, you can certainly be rest assured of their superb results.

For the best sinus treatment and for some sinus home remedy contact us at Kill Sinus today

Methods for the treatment of sinus problems

There are a number of methods for treating sinus problems, which can disrupt your daily life. Use of antibiotics, is, for example, a good treatment. Fight the problems by microbes, the infection in the sinuses, and leads to sinusitis to improve. Antibiotics help in particular in the fight against bacterial infections. Make the vibrant symptoms subside, great relief offers patients. Doctors prescribe some analgesics, to enjoy the patients but with caution. When prescribing painkillers, they are aware of the patient's medical history so that possible side effects can be avoided.

Inhalation of steam from hot water, eucalyptus and Mint helps oil to clear the sinuses due to blockage of the clogged up nasal passages. People look at it as one of the most effective homemade treatments for sinusitis. The best thing about it is that it causes no side effects. Also, nasal sprays also by many people are used to treat sinus problems.

Decongestants and evaporator are used for blocked nose cleaning. The use of these products is divided the clogged mucus so that it is immediately run away. Nasal irrigation is another method, which works similarly. The only difference is that it makes not the nose runny. Instead, it provides moisture which wash out clogged nasal passages. Irrigation of sinuses prevents accumulation, which otherwise cause severe infection can cause mucus also.

There is a more excellent cure called "Zinc treatment", which has gained immense popularity due to its effectiveness recently. Doctors and doctors prescribe it as tablets or in the form of gel. The Tablet must be used under the tongue of the patient, while the gel is applied correctly in his nostrils. While is one of this sinus treatment or other mentioned, one should have a healthy diet therapy. Maintaining a diet diet prevents unnecessary delays in treating the problem. A good diet will make sure that the disease is not really too long persist or become chronic.

In fact, a good nutrition strengthens the immune system of a person, that he to fight all kinds of infections. Intake of vitamin C improves the immunity, while carbohydrates to ensure that you stay energetic. You can even have a nice sinus home remedies kitchen ingredients rich in these nutrients make. While the sinusitis, liquids, especially those who are very rich in minerals and proteins, are required. Also make some simple lifestyle changes also curing sinusitis, easier and faster. Exercising regularly, where some are enough sleep and stress-free stay at the lifestyle changes that will help you to resolve painful sinus infection. So, if you or your love this unbearable State suffers, then try the above means.

For the best treatment for sinus and some sinus home remedies, contact us under sinus kill today

How To Crack Your Migraine

Here is a topic that has confirmed my past held views that people with migraine have had to indeed persevere with a lot of, not only, pain and suffering but also to live with the realities of daily life, itself - a feat easier said than achieved, needless to say.

Your whole world - home, social and work life is completely and absolutely disrupted. It is very difficult, for a normal soul, to follow a precise set of procedures as well as attempting to balance your daily life and work routines, around your health problems.

To say matters can be difficult would be to extensively minimise the problems of living a life in these circumstances. Let me explain further.

Migraine can be quite severe. A migraine headache is usually an intense, throbbing pain on one, or sometimes, both sides of the head.

Most people with a migraine headache feel the pain in the temples or behind one eye or ear, although any part of the head can be involved. Besides pain, migraine is a medical condition. Most people who suffer from migraine get headaches that people also may see as spots of flashing lights or have temporary loss of vision.

There also are differences in how these types of headaches respond to treatment with medicines. Although some over the counter drugs used to treat tension-type headaches sometimes help migraine headaches, the drugs used to treat migraine attacks do not work for tension-type headaches for most people.

You can not tell the difference between a migraine and a tension-type headache by how often they occur. Both can occur at irregular intervals. In fact in very rare cases, both can occur daily or almost daily. However most people still confuse a sinus headache with a migraine headache because the pain and pressure in the sinuses, nasal congestion, and watery eyes often occur with migraine. To find out which it is, just see if it is moderate-to-severe headache and how your reaction is to sensitivity to light - as this cam determine which is which.

All these tensions and stresses can and do trigger off nerve related pains in different parts of your body. Such as pains in the arms and legs or back of your neck. Your behaviour, your complete moods and how you react to other people can also have a deteriorating and also devastating effect on your personal well being. Needless to say migraine and how it is triggered is not fully understood, as yet and living with it's consequential effects, can be, quite unbearable - as I know from personal experience with a close friend. If you are, of course in any doubt about any of these conditions the best course of action that you should take is to consult your personal doctor as soon as possible. This is such a personal condition that it is very difficult for others to relate to but with some knowledge you can minimise its effects on yourself. Until the next time - keep your spirits up and be positive.

If you would like some further knowledge and advice, just have a look at my website, where you can even download my FREE ebook on migraine.


Some Common Sinus Congestion Home Remedies

In cold weather conditions, majority of the people spend most of their time indoors, near other people. Thus, they are likely to develop an infection or catch a virus easily. Even if they assiduously wash their hands, eat nutritious food and practice almost all possible safety measures, the possibility of getting sick is always there. Sinus congestion is one of the most common ailments that people suffer from during such weather conditions. Fortunately, most of the natural ingredients that can treat this condition can be easily found in the spice rack of every house. The use of these ingredients, along with some others, can prove to be highly beneficial in treating sinus congestion.

* Garlic - Garlic in its raw form is best for sinus sufferers. However, even in cooked or supplement form, this highly beneficial ingredient can alleviate the pain and irritation accompanied by sinus congestion. If you do not like the strong raw taste of garlic, then you can add it in your meals, soups, broths, tea etc.

* Cherry Bark - If you do not know the procedure to prepare cherry bark yourself, then you must buy it from the market. There are many OTC cough remedies available in health stores that have it. Even a little amount of this ingredient can stop cough reflex in no time and that too without harming your body.

* Vinegar - Though any vinegar would do the trick, by providing great relief to the patient suffering from sinus congestion, however apple cider vinegar is most likely the best one. The procedure to use this is simple. Just take one part of apple cider vinegar with around four parts of water, boil the solution and then carefully inhale its steam. Though it would not smell good, yet it is quite effective.

* Marshmallow and licorice - These two work in the same way by coating the throat in order to reduce the pain. However, licorice is an extremely strong herb, so it is good to stick with the use of marshmallow, if yours is not a severe case.

* Cloves and cinnamon - Both these spices have a chemical in them which can numb the throat temporarily. It is viable to use whole cloves and stick cinnamon for this sinus home remedy because in the powdered form they are harder and weaker on taste buds.

* Eucalyptus oil - You can add eucalyptus oil in boiling water and breathe in its fumes. It is an excellent sinus treatment that can quickly open up your sinuses and provide relief to sore throat.

These are some common sinus congestion home remedies that can work wonders in curing this excruciating condition.

For the best sinus treatment and for some sinus home remedy contact us at Kill Sinus today

Headaches after exercise and how to prevent

Exertion headaches

Some time ago I found out that some athletes often get migraine type headaches to push hard to achieve their goals.

Now, it happens not only for athletes. It happened to me also. A few hours after pushing me in the gym, my head would start to pain and given that would be ache of a full-blown migraine.

This was some years before I accidentally learned that could help prevent a dose of ergotamine before exercising this kind of headache. The question for me was: "How do I by ergotamine keep?"

While away vacation in the tropics, I suffered a bout of food poisoning and required a few years ago as part of my treatment, hospital for me — Cafergot is Cafergot ergotamine with caffeine.

When I got home, I had another couple of Cafergot tablets links so I figured I would give them a try for effort headaches. Before my next train in the gym, I took one of the tablets (1 mg) and - and behold - no headache after a workout!

Some time later, when I had finished the tablets, I said my doctor, my experience and although Cafergot usually is not meant as a precautionary measure, he seemed quite happy to prescribe for me.

But be careful. There is a strict limit on how many Cafergot tablets you can take in a day, and during a week. If you ignore these limits, one of the two two problems can occur.

1. You could experience numbness and tingling in the fingers or toes, nausea and vomiting, do not refer to your headaches, difficulty breathing, pain in chest, dizziness, confusion, or a slow or fast heart rate. If you do with taking the tablets.

2. Many types of pain relievers (even non-prescription tablets such as paracetamol or aspirin), if taken too often, can actually cause headaches. In some ways our bodies seem who are addicted to pills and after you have defeated a headache, other headache begins soon after, because it seems that your body needs the painkillers! I know that this is a fact to be as I treatment sumatriptan (Imitrex, Imigran) have overused a migraine migraine patients. Right now, I have to go "cold Turkey" to get the stuff out of my system. It is a hard time!

I can't guarantee that works every time that it for everyone, but if you would like to give it a try, you should discuss ergotamine with their doctor. The decision to use it or not is for him and her. Do not buy ergotamine in the Internet and use it without medical advice fully informed!

Learning To Prevent Migraine Headaches

Most people will often say they have a migraine when they have a severe headache. However, while this is one of the symptoms of a migraine, it is much more than just a headache. Migraines are not just one off incidents. They are recurrent headaches, which could range from moderate to severe and which are often accompanied by other associated symptoms such as nausea, dizziness, blurred vision, fatigue, vomiting and loss of appetite. Usually a person suffering from a migraine will usually also show extreme sensitivity to even low levels of sound and light.

What Causes Migraines & What Triggers Them Off?

Despite extensive ongoing research, scientists have not been able to pinpoint exactly what causes this type of severe headache or migraine. While some studies indicate they could be caused by the expansion and constriction of the blood vessels on the brain's surface, other studies suggest they could be caused by inherited abnormalities in certain areas of the brain.

While there is still some uncertainty as to the exact cause, all experts agree on one thing- different people get affected by different triggers. Hereditary has a huge role to play in the tendency to get migraines. An individual who has a family history is more likely to suffer from this condition than an individual who does not have the genes for it.

Some of the more common triggers include:
• Extreme stress or tension
• Fatigue
• Skipping meals
• Excessive caffeine consumption or sudden withdrawal from caffeine
• Menstruation
• Too much or too little sleep
• Changes in weather patterns
• Specific substances that are found in certain foods
• Hormonal changes

Prevention & Treatment of Migraines

The key to successfully preventing or at least reducing the frequency of episodes lies in recognizing and avoiding the potential triggers.

Making a note of the events that transpired or the foods you ate prior to an attack will help you see a trend so you can identify the triggers and can make the necessary changes to avoid them in the future.

If the migraines are triggered off by changes in hormonal levels or during the menstrual changes, your doctor can help you with the proper advice and medication to minimize future incidents.

Getting enough rest and eating and sleeping on a regular schedule can also help reduce the frequency and intensity of episodes as can stress management techniques and relaxation training. Regular exercise also plays a huge role in preventing migraines.

Migraine headaches can be debilitating but you don't have to suffer from it unnecessarily. There are measures you can take to reduce the frequency and intensity of the episodes. The experienced doctors at Trinity Primary Care can help you identify your triggers and will recommend the appropriate treatment. Call them today. Alsocheck out our new page on Migraine Headaches.

Possible Ways to Treat Sinus Pain

on Monday, December 17, 2012

Sinus pain is one of the most agonizing consequences of sinusitis. This aliment causes severe pain in the teeth, cheekbones and jaw, which sometimes is also accompanied by frequent headaches. There are many medicines, as well as some easily available non-medicinal treatments for sinus pain relief. However, if you do not want to take any risk by opting for medication, which might lead to several long-term side-effects, there are many possible ways, following which you can successfully get relieved from sinus pain.

Steam inhalation is one of the easiest things you can do to achieve quick results. Just fill a utensil with boiling water, put a big towel on your head in such a way that it also covers the utensil and then slowly inhale the steam or vapors. This would moisten your nasal passages, thereby making it easier to get rid of the mucus. This is actually an age-old remedy to clear sinus that apparently eliminates all other symptoms related to sinusitis, such as pain, congestion, headaches, pressure etc.

Using nasal sprays is also a great way to treat sinus pain. These sprays can either be non-medicated or medicated. Non-medicated sprays only contain a saline water solution, while the medicated ones are decongestants that are used for clearing the inflamed nasal membranes. Though both these nasal sprays are used for clearing the mucus from sinus cavities, but unlike non-medicated sprays, the medicated sprays can make the patients get addicted to their use.

Another way that can provide you with instant relief is applying hot compresses, wherever you feel the pain. This can be done several times in a day, depending on your condition. The process would not only set you free from the agonizing sinusitis induced pain but also improve blood circulation in the area where compresses are applied, making it easier for the body to fight off sinus infections.

In addition, you should keep away from humid or dry air, if you are suffering from sinus pain. Humidity causes the nasal membranes to swell that can further lead to nose blockage. On the other hand, dry air also tends to congeal the mucus and inhibits its flow. One viable sinus home remedy to deal with this problem is using a humidifier in your house. These are convenient to use and are easily available at big box stores at relatively cheap rates.

Besides, it is advisable to sleep or lie on the bed with your shoulders and head slightly elevated as this would promote easy drainage of the mucus from sinuses. You can prop yourself up with some pillows, so that your upper body remains a little elevated while you lie on the bed. Again, this is an extremely easy yet effective sinus treatment.

All the above mentioned tricks can work wonders to treat sinus pain. So, use them and see the difference in your condition.

For the best sinus treatment and for some sinus home remedy contact us at Kill Sinus today

Getting Rid of Migraine Pain and Why Surgery Works

Nearly 25% of women between 18 and 50 suffer from migraine headaches. As any of you who suffer from migraines knows, the total cost - of medications, ER visits, lost days at work, etc (not to mention time lost with your family and friends, which is irreplaceable) is enormous.

The commonly accepted theory as to why migraines happen is as follows:

A migraine trigger sends a depressive wave through the main part of the brain, which then releases chemical irritants. This causes sensory fibers in the meninges - the covering of the brain - to be activated, which is then felt as pain. If this process continues, a part of the brain and brainstem known as the trigeminal nucleus caudalis (TNC) becomes inflamed and starts a process called central sensitization (a "full blown" migraine). The main symptom of central sensitization is severe pain from things that are usually painless - brushing your hair, breathing through the nose on cool days, or having the shower water splash your face. Stopping the migraine headache at this point is difficult - commonly prescribed medications will "take the edge off", but will not completely stop the migraine. The key is to eliminate the migraine headache before it gets to this stage by blocking the inflammation and release of triggering chemicals. Imitrex and the other commonly used medications works at this point of the cycle.

As the frequency of migraine headaches increases, there can be anatomic changes in the brain as a result of drawn out sensitization of the nerves. It is thought that by eliminating the triggers (which are, essentially, fuel for the fire), the headaches will diminish in intensity, frequency, and duration. Hopefully, they will disappear altogether. It is at this point that surgery should be considered.

In plastic surgery, we are trained to work on and with nerves in the arms and legs. There are certain syndromes (like carpal tunnel syndrome) that we deal with often in our residency and fellowship training where we treat the results of prolonged nerve compression. It is theorized that surgery to treat migraine headaches works in a similar manner as that for carpal tunnel - releasing pressure on nerves from otherwise normal anatomy that unfortunately causes problems in some people but not in others.

There are quite a few areas in the head and neck where nerves can be compressed by surrounding tissue (muscles or the muscle covering, known as fascia). In individuals with a genetic predisposition to getting migraine headaches, these compression points can act as triggers that start the cascade towards central sensitization and chronic migraine headaches. By releasing these nerves from their compression points with surgery, the anatomic stimulus for the headache is removed, and the headaches either disappear or are greatly reduced. We are learning more about nerve compression points of the trigeminal nerve (the main sensory nerve of the head and neck, which gives sensation to your face and scalp through its numerous branches) each and every day.

Known compression points (which can be successfully treated with surgery) are:

- supraorbital and supratrochlear nerves
- zygomaticotemporal nerve
- auriculotemporal nerve
- greater occipital nerve
- lesser occipital nerve
- numerous small nerve branches of the nasal septum & turbinates

Not everyone suffering from migraine headaches will have these trigger points, and surgery is not the solution for all migraine headache sufferers. In a number of people, avoidance of known triggers and prescription medications is enough to limit or eliminate the headaches.

However, as we have seen in numerous publications, surgical decompression can lead to a drastic reduction or elimination of migraines in 80-90% of patients. I feel that it is a treatment that is backed by sound science and logical thinking, and should be considered as a treatment option for many people as the severity of their headaches increases.

For more information about surgical treatment of migraine headaches, and to see if you or someone you know may be a candidate for surgery, visit http://www.drjasonhall.com/ and fill in the "Learn More" section of the website.

How To Truly Erase Your Headaches - 7 Natural Techniques

Everyone gets a headache now and then, that's just an unpleasant fact of life. But in certain cases, the severity of the headache problem becomes very intense and chronic. The reasons for the head ache problem can vary between individuals and there are many different contributory factors which makes it all the more difficult to find an effective solution, requiring chronic headache sufferers to recognize and apply several remedies for how to get rid of headaches. Pain killers and analgesic medication that are available over-the-counter can help in reducing the pain, but they can cause certain undesirable side effects, particularly with long term usage. Those suffering from chronic headache problem need to choose natural remedies. This article lists in detail seven of the best!.

1. Basil -Not only is this pungent flavor enhancer a tasty ingredient in pizza and pasta sauce, basil is also an effective means of how to get rid of headaches. The oil extracted form basil leaves has anti-inflammatory and muscle relaxing properties, and therefore can be used as a remedy for headaches that are caused by tension. Basil oil can be applied over the forehead to relieve headache pain and inhalation of basil oil aroma can also help to calm down the nerves.

2. Ginger Root - Ginger root, which is used as a spice in everyday cooking can also be used as an effective cure for how to get rid of headaches. The sharp pungent flavor of ginger gives the foodstuffs a wonderful taste and besides, it also used as a digestive. When taken immediately at the onset of a headache, ginger's anti-inflammatory action will rapidly dilate constricted blood vessels and relax tense muscles to relieve pain.

3. Echinacea- Commonly called as the purple coneflowers, this flowering plant is widely used in herbal medications as a immune booster. It helps to improve the functioning of immune system and prevents infections. It is also used as an effective remedy for headaches, specially those caused by cold or flue. Echinacea can be used safely for long term basis.

4. Buckwheat - Buckwheat which is commonly used as livestock feed can also be used as for human consumption. Those suffering from gluten intolerance can opt for buckwheat products as they are gluten free. It is possible to obtain buckwheat flower and buckwheat pancake mix at your local grocery, although you may have to ask for it. Incorporate buckwheat into your diet as an effective preventive for migraine pain; because buckwheat contains rutin, which has antioxidant and analgesic properties.

5. Lemon Balm- The use of lemon balm as a curative for depression, migraine attacks and stress headache pain has been documented way back to the 14th century, when it was served in a tea to the French king Charles V for these symptoms. Lemon balm has a subtle lemony flavor, hence its name, and can be substituted for lemon juice in soups, custards and various other food preparations as a flavor enhancer.

6. Lobelia- Even though a guy by the name of Samuel Thomson claimed to have discovered the lobelia plant around 1803, it had long been in use as a medicinal treatment of how to get rid of headaches by the Cherokee nations of North America. They administered lobelia in poultices of crushed leaves for headache pain, and 'snuffed' the dried leaves for sinus inflammation and bloody noses. Lobelia also also helps to improve the functioning of the immune system and prevents the attack of flu and cold virus.

7. Chamomile- The lovely chamomile flower is a member of the daisy family, and its dried petals are effective in the treatment of migraines and other types of headache. The active ingredient present in chamomile extract is bisabolol which has anti-irritant, anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial effects. Chamomile herbal tea leaves is available in most health food stores..

To get more in-depth information about getting rid of headaches while pregnant, Just Click Here to visit healyourheadachenow.com immediately.

Obtain a handle with a headache

When it comes to headaches, there are actually different types, each with different symptoms. All health problems headaches are the most common, a condition, that people of all ages, races and sexes. Is usually traded medication for pain relief, but for certain types of over-the-counter and if the pain is intense, drugs do, stop little to the headaches of the angry. In addition, there are times when the headaches an indicator for something is serious, then medical intervention is required.

Any type of headache is in two main categories are broken down primary and secondary. The various causes of headaches, the different types and treatment options to generate the relief from pain covers the information provided. Keep in mind that not only the conventional medicine is an option, but chiropractic.

Common causes

There are always rare reasons developed headaches, but pain is usually one of the following reasons:

o neck injury
o muscle tension
o high blood pressure
o jaws or dental problems
o eye strain
o medical disorder of ear, throat or nose

Primary headaches

There are two types of headaches that fall into this category include:

o headache tension-type - tight is pressure around the head and usually feel the pain associated with tension from head, jaw, neck is coupled. Pain is throbbing and due to stress, cold, heat, overwhelming smells, emotions, hormonal disorders and fatigue. In some cases, the headaches would mean even errors of the eyes, nausea and/or vomiting and numbness of the extremities or the face.

o cluster headache - is interesting, this type of headache is less common than other types and tends to men more often than women affected. The pain is austere and normally about an eye. Alcohol and cigarettes are the primary triggers, but the underlying cause remains a mystery. Additional symptoms can look like include watering and swelling of the affected eye.

Secondary headache disorders

In contrast to the primary headaches, which are the main problem, another health problem, secondary headaches are the result. The most important issues of of health, take the headache at the beginning, include the following:

o meningitis
o a head injury
o brain tumor
o sinus infection
ΓΈ arthritis
o spinal cord injury
o Arteritis temporal

Effective treatment options

There are times, as a non-prescription painkillers to stop the pain, and other times, as conventional medical care is required, but often, chiropractic works surprisingly well to get rid of pain and to keep it at Bay. Regardless of the direction a person takes for treatment, there are also a number of things that could be done at home, to reduce or eliminate the pain.

A change of diet can help, there are some foods that can cause headaches or make an existing headache worse. Other things that have been proven to include massage, meditation, yoga, acupuncture, proper rest and stress management. Depending on the exact cause, often mainstream medicine and chiropractic care work hand in hand, to give a person needed relief.

We would like to point out that if someone with a headache noticed the pain fast intensification or additional symptoms to an extreme level begins, emergency medical care should be sought. Finally, it is always better to be safe than sorry.

Headache types

The following other types of headache are experiences, people:

o chronic daily headache - occurs at least 15 days a month and lasts six months or longer, affects both young and old people, men 50% are higher risk, contains mild muscle contraction if symptoms and are often caused by stress

o ice axe affects young people of middle-aged headache-, comes as short, piercing pain, it takes only seconds to minutes, more than once within a day may occur usually only one eye covers, and triggered by cold food and drinks

o migraine - lasts usually between 4 and 72 hours usually affects only one side of the head, throbbing pain, which can be moderate to severe, intensified the activity and can by dizziness, nausea, vomiting and visual disturbances accompanied are produced

o sinister headache - secondary headaches are causing the extreme pain. A few examples of diseases that lead to the sinister headaches:

o subarachnoid hemorrhage - causes pain on the most extreme level, usually comes on suddenly and creates a stiff neck which takes hours

o Arteritis temporalis - persistent headaches, which can be worse at night severe, also the tenderness of the scalp could be and anyone 50 and older creates a general ill feeling

o meningitis - produces a stiff neck and high fever


According to medical experts, 9 out of 10 people in the United States have a headache, so that it can be easy to see, such as a common medical condition so devastating. While some smaller, produce many kinds of hard-to-manage pain. Studies show that the spine adjustments carried out by a qualified chiropractor is an effective treatment, especially for types of headaches, to generate in the neck area.

Persons who receive benefit chiropractic for headaches by the immediate and long-term relief. In addition, often in connection with prescription drugs produced spinal adjustments, no unpleasant side effects. Finally the chiropractic has been shown to prevent migraines in 72% people, are suffering from these terrible headaches.

Dr. Rick Galla is a chiropractor since over 20 years helping sick people people well and healthy remain healthy. His Office is located in Encinitas, California. Visit http://www.gallachiropractic.com/ or visit my website for more information and our special Internet http://topencinitaschiropractor.com/.

Relieve Sinus Headache Through The Use Of Steam

Sinus headaches are caused by a lot of conditions that affect the sinus cavities. Examples of these conditions are flu, allergies, cold or bacterial infections. People who have sinus headaches usually experience pain and pressure in front of their head and face. This usually worsens with abrupt movement and changes in the temperature. There are a lot of natural remedies to alleviate this discomfort and one of them is the use of steam. How does steam work to alleviate a sinus headache?

Steam works by loosening mucus that is congested in sinus cavities. This reduces the pain and the pressure that you'll feel. Here are some examples on how to use steam to improve your headache:

1. In the shower - if you have a steam shower, turn it on and keep the bathroom as warm as possible. You don't have to wet yourself; just keep the door closed and sit inside the bathroom for at least 15 minutes. Perform breathing exercises until you feel better. You can do this three or four times a day depending on the severity of the condition.

2. Use of vaporizers - steam vaporizers are great because they heat up water and simultaneously release steam into the air and then you can inhale it. Another thing that makes vaporizers great is the fact that you can add other liquid medications in it. You can add different mixtures of oils in its compartment. Examples of these oils are: peppermint, lavender and eucalyptus. This is a great combination that you can use. It basically combines with the steam and also helps it open your sinus passages. This way, the pain and pressure are alleviated.

3. Boiling water tent - This is quite easy to do. First, you need to boil a pot of water. Then, once it has boiled, remove it and place it on a table or any hard and stable surface. Then, get a towel and make a tent. After which, you go to the pot, lean over it and cover your head and the pot with a towel. This strategy allows you to inhale the steam without allowing it to escape. In short, you're trapping the steam. If you want, you can add peppermint, wintergreen oils and eucalyptus in the pot. These essential oils help open up sinus passages.

Word of caution though, wait for the steam to cool down a bit since it's not good to inhale it if it's too hot. Leave it for a minute or two before you start this process or just check the temperature of the steam if it's something that you can already tolerate.

There are also other sinus headache relief tips out there. The use of steam is just one of the ways to relief sinus headache. Here are other tips that you can use http://sinus-headache-relief.com/what-is-the-most-effective-natural-sinus-headache-relief/

How to Get Rid of Headaches and Migraines Fast

Having to suffer with headache pain is the worst. I used to suffer from frequent headaches and migraines until I decided I didn't want to suffer from the pain anymore. Through my own personal research and experimenting I was able to get rid of my headaches, and I was able to do it in a short amount of time. I would like to share with you what I found so that you can also get rid of headaches fast.

Throughout my teenage years and early 20's, I dealt with weekly headaches and migraines. The pain was debilitating. There was so much pain in my head and brain that it made it nearly impossible to concentrate or do anything productive. I like to heal any health challenges I encounter naturally. So I researched and experimented with foods that I could eat that would help to prevent headaches. I would like to share with you the foods I found that I could eat to help get rid of headaches fast. I also found out foods to avoid that can trigger headaches. I will share a few of those as well. Here's to a new you... headache free!

Before I get into the foods, it's important to talk a little bit about headaches. So what is a headache? A headache is pain anywhere in the region of the head. The pain is caused by disturbance of the pain-sensitive structures around the brain. According to the National Institute of Health, there are four types of headaches: vascular, muscle contraction (tension), traction, and inflammatory. The most common type of vascular headache is a migraine. Migraine headaches are usually characterized by severe pain on one or both sides of the head, disturbed vision, and/or an upset stomach. Men are less likely, compared to women, to have migraine headaches.

If you are getting frequent headaches, it is important to not ignore them, because it is your body's way of letting you know something is wrong. Use it as a warning sign, and start to include some of these foods in your diet that I share below. I will share with you some foods that you can start eating or start eating more of to help get rid of your headaches fast.

Brown Rice
Including brown rice in your diet can help prevent headaches. Brown rice is rich in vitamin B-6. This vitamin is a water-soluble vitamin that lowers the body's stress level and alleviates pain. I started adding brown rice into my diet weekly, and I saw a huge difference in the amount of headaches I was getting. I still eat brown rice every week in order to prevent headaches now.

Vitamin A Rich Foods
Being deficient in vitamin A can lead to fatigue, insomnia, sinusitis, and colds which can then lead to migraines and headaches. This is why it's very important to get enough vitamin A in your diet. Most green vegetables are rich in vitamin A. Other foods that are vitamin A rich are red peppers, carrots, sweet potatoes, yellow squash, garlic, fish oil, peaches, cantaloup, and papaya.

Vitamin B Rich Foods
Having a deficiency in Vitamin B Complex can lead to anxiety disorders caused by stress. Some of these would be chronic fatigue, irritability, nervousness, blood sugar problems, and depression. This symptoms could trigger headaches. Vitamin B Complex includes B1, B2, B5, B6, and B12. Some foods rich in the B complex would be peas, asparagus, broccoli, spinach, oatmeal, fish, salmon, nuts, prunes, brown rice, whole grains and sea vegetables.

Magnesium Rich Foods
If you are deficient in magnesium, it can lead to interference of transmission of muscle and nerve impulses. This can cause nervousness and irritability which may trigger headaches. Some magnesium rich foods that you can start to incorporate in your meals are apples, avocados, brown rice, garlic, salmon, almonds, and any leafy vegetables.

Potassium Rich Foods
Potassium deficiency can lead to nervousness, depression, constipation, and insomnia which may ignite headaches. A few potassium rich foods are bananas, avocados, apricots, raisins, yams, yogurt, and beans.

Some nutrients/supplements that can help reduce headaches are: Magnesium, Riboflavin, Omega 3 fats and CoQ10. You can buy these supplements at your local health food store. You can also get these nutrients by eating certain foods. Some foods you can eat to get magnesium would be spinach, beans, and swish chard. To get riboflavin eat kale, asparagus, and mushrooms. To get Omega 3 fats eat omega-3 eggs or salmon. To get CoQ10 eat salmon.

A way to control your headaches is to control your diet, and avoid foods that can trigger headaches. Everyone is unique, so your food sensitivity triggered headaches may be caused by a different food than another person. But there are common foods and substances that are known to trigger headaches. Some of these foods can be cheese, heavy red meat, fatty foods, sugar, caffeine, alcohol and preservatives and additives in packaged or fast foods.

Alcohol can cause dehydration which can cause headaches. Alcohol also contains large amounts of tyramine which can trigger headaches. So if you would like to get rid of headaches fast, and you drink, try eliminating alcohol and see if it makes the headaches go away.

Foods and Drinks with Additives
Steer clear of foods containing additives such as MSG, HPP or HVP, or natural flavorings. Avoid aspartame which is an artificial sweetener that is found in many sodas and drinks. It might be labeled as Equal or NutraSweet. Some people develop headaches after drinking drinks that are caffeinated. If this is the case with you, avoid caffeine.

Many people, including me, have an allergy to gluten. If you are one of these people, then eating foods such as breads, grains, cookies, etc. that contain gluten can trigger a headache. This was the case for me in the past. I found out that eating foods with gluten was triggering headaches for me. If you find that gluten is causes headaches for you, the good news is there are many wonderful gluten-free products that you can buy at the store. So you can still enjoy some of your favorite types of foods. For me, I love eating my gluten-free cookies, and not getting headaches after.

I hope you learned from this article, and will start implementing what I shared in order to get rid of your headaches fast. Here's to a new you... headache and pain-free!

If you would like to learn more tips for getting rid of headaches fast, I wrote a book which you can find here:
Headaches, My Ass! How to Get Rid of those Pesky Headaches and Migraines For Good! http://www.amazon.com/dp/B008I9DJAI

If you would like to check out my other books, you can find me on Amazon here: http://www.amazon.com/author/carolyncollins

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