Possible Ways to Treat Sinus Pain

on Monday, December 17, 2012

Sinus pain is one of the most agonizing consequences of sinusitis. This aliment causes severe pain in the teeth, cheekbones and jaw, which sometimes is also accompanied by frequent headaches. There are many medicines, as well as some easily available non-medicinal treatments for sinus pain relief. However, if you do not want to take any risk by opting for medication, which might lead to several long-term side-effects, there are many possible ways, following which you can successfully get relieved from sinus pain.

Steam inhalation is one of the easiest things you can do to achieve quick results. Just fill a utensil with boiling water, put a big towel on your head in such a way that it also covers the utensil and then slowly inhale the steam or vapors. This would moisten your nasal passages, thereby making it easier to get rid of the mucus. This is actually an age-old remedy to clear sinus that apparently eliminates all other symptoms related to sinusitis, such as pain, congestion, headaches, pressure etc.

Using nasal sprays is also a great way to treat sinus pain. These sprays can either be non-medicated or medicated. Non-medicated sprays only contain a saline water solution, while the medicated ones are decongestants that are used for clearing the inflamed nasal membranes. Though both these nasal sprays are used for clearing the mucus from sinus cavities, but unlike non-medicated sprays, the medicated sprays can make the patients get addicted to their use.

Another way that can provide you with instant relief is applying hot compresses, wherever you feel the pain. This can be done several times in a day, depending on your condition. The process would not only set you free from the agonizing sinusitis induced pain but also improve blood circulation in the area where compresses are applied, making it easier for the body to fight off sinus infections.

In addition, you should keep away from humid or dry air, if you are suffering from sinus pain. Humidity causes the nasal membranes to swell that can further lead to nose blockage. On the other hand, dry air also tends to congeal the mucus and inhibits its flow. One viable sinus home remedy to deal with this problem is using a humidifier in your house. These are convenient to use and are easily available at big box stores at relatively cheap rates.

Besides, it is advisable to sleep or lie on the bed with your shoulders and head slightly elevated as this would promote easy drainage of the mucus from sinuses. You can prop yourself up with some pillows, so that your upper body remains a little elevated while you lie on the bed. Again, this is an extremely easy yet effective sinus treatment.

All the above mentioned tricks can work wonders to treat sinus pain. So, use them and see the difference in your condition.

For the best sinus treatment and for some sinus home remedy contact us at Kill Sinus today

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March 1, 2013 at 6:21 AM

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